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• 小小科學家 |
心理學家George Kelly指出人與生俱來便有科學探究的精神。在成長的過程中,人對個人的經歷有個人的理解。基於這些理解,人預期事件的重現,驗證和確立自己的假設。換言之,自出娘胎,嬰兒已是小小的科學家。 |
* 文章由梁莊麗雅博士香港心理學會註冊臨床心理學家提供
* Article is provided by Dr Anita Leung, PhD, Registered Clinical Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society |
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• 易地而處 |
曾幾何時閱讀過一篇事例,印象尤深,在此與讀者分享。一個嬰兒躺在嬰兒床上哭叫起來。母親馬上看過究竟。以她對嬰兒慣常的認知哭叫的原因不外乎只有幾個。一是尿片濕了,二是嬰兒感到過熱或過涼,三是嬰兒肚餓,四是嬰兒口渴,五是嬰兒啜奶後未有足夠掃背,六是嬰兒扭計想母親多抱一會。 |
* 文章由梁莊麗雅博士香港心理學會註冊臨床心理學家提供
* Article is provided by Dr Anita Leung, PhD, Registered Clinical Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society |
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• 天才與白痴 |
陽明上課時愛戲弄同學,擾亂課堂秩序,經常被老師處罰。久而久之,被同學排斥,行為更變本加厲。校方懷疑陽明患「過度活躍症」,促請家長帶陽明往看精神科醫生,精神科醫生診斷陽明的情況為「行為問題」,毋須服藥。接下來,陽明被安排到特殊教育的行為匡導班。經過一段日子的訓練,陽明的行為並不見得有改善。在學校,他已被標籤為「問題學生」,他變得孤僻怪異,需要集體協作的功課,沒有同學願意與他合作,他已習慣獨力做事。偶然,不知何故,更大發雷霆。 |
* 文章由梁莊麗雅博士香港心理學會註冊臨床心理學家提供
* Article is provided by Dr Anita Leung, PhD, Registered Clinical Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society |
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• 你的運動量究竟有多少? |
本港小學生的肥胖情況有上升趨勢,加上運動量不足,肥胖兒童有七成可能變成肥胖青年,患上糖尿病,心臟病等風險會大增。世界衛生組織(WHO)最近發表一份名為全球健康運動建議(Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health)的報告,當中提及到缺乏運動已成為全球死亡率的第四大因素。今次報告提到,希望能透過宣傳運動的頻率、持續時間、強度、種類及數量等指引,給予全球建議以預防非傳染性疾病。 |
* 文章由 香港幼兒教育及服務聯會 提供
* Article is provided by Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education & Services |
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• 不要單以體重判斷幼兒是否健康 |
科學與做人一樣都要與時並進,數十年前兒童營養學家最擔心的是幼兒營養不足導致體重過輕,但數十年後的今日,醫學界最擔心的反而是營養過剩導致兒童肥胖,而兒童肥胖往往是成年肥胖及各種慢性病主要成因,所以要全民健康,先要解決兒童肥胖的問題。 |
* 文章由 香港幼兒教育及服務聯會 提供
* Article is provided by Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education & Services |
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• Traumatic Loss and Major Disasters: Strengthening Family and Community Resilience
增強家庭抗逆力應對創傷及壓力 |
This article presents the core principles and value of a family and community resilience-oriented approach to recovery from traumatic loss when catastrophic events occur. In contrast to individually based, symptom-focused approaches to trauma recovery, this multisystemic practice approach contextualizes the distress in the traumatic experience and taps strengths and resources in relational networks to foster healing and posttraumatic growth. The intertwining of trauma and traumatic losses is discussed. Key family and social processes in risk and resilience in traumatic loss situations are outlined. Case illustrations, model programs, and intervention guidelines are described in situations of community violence and major disasters to suggest ways to foster family and community resilience. (Fam Proc 46:207–227, 2007) |
Keywords: Family and Community Resilience; Traumatic Loss; Disaster Recovery
* 文章由 Forma Walsh博士提供
* Article is provided by Forma Walsh, Ph.D.
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• Family Resilience: A Framework for Clinical Practice 剖析家庭抗逆力 |
This article presents an overview of a family resilience framework developed for clinical practice, describes its advantages. Drawing together findings from studies of individual resilience and research on effective family functioning, key processes in family resilience are outlined in three domains: family belief systems, organizational patterns, and communication/ problem –solving. Clinical practice applications are described briefly to suggest the broad utility of this conceptual framework for intervention and prevention efforts to strengthen families facing serious life challenges. (Fam Proc 42:1-18, 2003)
* 文章由 Forma Walsh博士提供
* Article is provided by Forma Walsh, Ph.D. |
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• HK Parents Must Read -- Comparative study between Eclectic Treatment & Applied Behavior Analysis in children with Autism 家長手冊: 對症下藥 - 自閉兒童綜合治療及行為治療的比較研究 |
Outcome for Children With Autism Who Began Intensive Behavioral Treatment Between Ages 4 and 7 - A Comparison Controlled Study |
Svein Eikeseth, Akershus University College, Norway; Tristram Smith, University of Rochester, NY; Erik Jahr, Akershus University Hospital, Norway; Sigmund Eldevik, Nordvoll School & Autism Centre, Norway |
This study extends findings on the effects of intensive applied behavior analytic treatment for children with autism who began treatment at a mean age of 5.5 years. The behavioral treatment group (n = 13, 8 boys) was compared to an eclectic treatment group (n = 12, 11 boys). Assignment to groups was made independently based on the availability of qualified supervisors. Both behavioral and eclectic treatment took place in public kindergartens and elementary schools for typically developing children. At a mean age of 8 years, 2 months, the behavioral treatment group showed larger increases in IQ and adaptive functioning than did the eclectic group. The behavioral treatment group also displayed fewer aberrant behaviors and social problems at follow-up. Results suggest that behavioral treatment was effective for children with autism in the study. |
Keywords: autism; early intervention; behavior modification; behavior analysis
* 文章由 Autism Partnership School 提供
* Article is provided by Autism Partnership School |
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• Changing Autism Core Symptoms 自閉症徵狀起變化 |
Change in autism core symptoms with intervention |
Ditza A. Zachor a,c; Esther Ben-Itzchak b,c; Ana-Lia Rabinovich c; Eli Lahat a
a. Department of Pediatrics, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Israel
b. School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
c. Autism Clinic, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Israel |
It is still debated what is the best early intervention approach for autism. This study compared two intervention approaches, Eclectic-Developmental (ED) and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) in very young children with autism/autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Nineteen children received ED intervention, using combination of methods. Twenty children received Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) intervention which used behavioral principles. Children in both groups were not significantly different in their autismseverity, cognitive abilities and in socio-economic background at pre-intervention time. Change in the severity of autism symptoms was assessed by the Autism Diagnosis Observation Schedule (ADOS). The ABA group showed significantly greater improvements than the ED group at post-intervention time. Pre–post intervention differences in language and communication domain were significant only for the ABA group. Both groups showed significant improvement in reciprocal social interaction domain. However, the effect size was greater for the ABA group. Changes in diagnostic classification were noted in both groups but were more pronounced for the ABA group. Pre-treatment IQ scores were positively related to ADOS scores at pre- and post-intervention times, but not to progress over time. Behavioral intervention is more effective than eclectic approach in improving autism core symptoms in young children with autism.
Keywords: Autism; Autism spectrum disorder; Eclectic-Developmental; Applied Behavioral Analysis; Autism Diagnosis Observation Schedule
* 文章由 Autism Partnership School 提供
* Article is provided by Autism Partnership School |
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• Sustainable Treatment Outcome 自閉症治療成效 |
Intensive Behavioral Treatment for Children With Autism: Four-Year Outcome and Predictors |
Glen O. Sallows and Tamlynn D. Graupner, Wisconsin Early Autism Project (Madison) |
Twenty-four children with autism were randomly assigned to a clinic-directed group, replicating the parameters of the early intensive behavioral treatment developed at UCLA, or to a parent-directed group that received intensive hours but less supervision by equally well-trained supervisors. Outcome after 4 years of treatment, including cognitive, language, adaptive, social, and academic measures, was similar for both groups. After combining groups, we found that 48% of all children showed rapid learning, achieved average posttreatment scores, and at age 7, were succeeding in regular education classrooms. Treatment outcome was best predicted by pretreatment imitation, language, and social responsiveness. These results are consistent with those reported by Lovaas and colleagues (Lovaas, 1987; McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas, 1993). |
* 文章由 Autism Partnership School 提供
* Article is provided by Autism Partnership School |